About Us
JA Legal was founded by Barrister Junaid Ahmed, as a means to provide the most quality legal services at the most cost-competitive and accessible of manners. He believes that recourse to legal remedies is a basic right for all, and so through JA Legal, he aims to spread wide, legal solutions for everyone.
There is a common misconception that lawyers or legal services are only required when something terribly goes wrong, or are reserved for the very few affluent and elite, or are just utterly unapproachable. JA Legal aims to change this common narrative.
JA Legal prides itself on being a complete solution to your legal needs. Our services range from legal advisory, corporate and compliance, drafting and vetting of contracts and other legal instruments, and representation before the courts of Pakistan.
We believe in swift justice and recourse, especially since most of our matters are time-sensitive and usually very complex.
At JA Legal, we approach your problem as if it is our problem. This reflects in our client dealing. Our difference is that we provide you with regular updates so that you are conversant with your case trajectory; we offer personalized and frequent interaction between you and the lawyer assigned to your case, and we treat your matter with discretion and the utmost of and authentic professional care.
To learn more about JA Legal, please watch our JA Legal videos, and also subscribe to our blog, newsletter, and YouTube channel for further updates.
Legal Advisory
JA Legal does not simply offer legal advice.
Just like the true characteristics of the law, we take into consideration various intrinsic and external factors when constructing advice, such as business feasibility, international markets, global climates, and societal norms.
The legal advisory can take form orally or in writing. We render the following:
⦁ Written legal opinions and/or Oral consultancy to local or international clients (on-line or in-person). Many times, this can form the first step towards proceeding with litigation.
⦁ Drafting and preparing legal handbooks for various industries.
⦁ Retainers for individuals, companies (private and public), and other entities, including NGOs, trust, and charitable organizations.
Case evaluation:
One of our strongest suits is concerning case evaluation. Usually, this plays out when our clients find themselves involved with a legal matter, but they are not aware of the deeper implications, impact, and line of action. They are confused as to whether this matter is actionable, and what points of law arise in it. The legal remedies that they can expect are also blurred. This is where we can assist. After a simple retelling of the facts, we can help the client on the merits of the case and sketch out the legal pathway of the matter, backed by relevant documents, all the way up to the court.
Litigation/Dispute Resolution
JA Legal has a tight foothold in the area of litigation. We are confident and competent in handling any brief/case from any area of law.
Our cases are usually time-bound and with unique facts and points of law, that require the utmost legal skill to maneuver. We specialize in suits as well as in constitutional petitions. Suits have a reputation for being long-drawn and protracted legal battles that require peering into the merits of the case. We push to expedite such matters in order to bring timely justice for our clients, by seeking urgencies and permissions from the Honorable Bench at our own initiative. We also dive deep into your case, seeking to learn the inside-out of your business and the facts of the matter, so that we can be argued for you at the crucial stage.
JA Legal also provides Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services ADR, that is, arbitration, mediation, and negotiation.
Global Reach
JA Legal is proud to be in collaboration with a number of different law firms in different jurisdictions. The parts of the world where we reach are:
With the help of our global partners, we have advised and represented international and national clients in various matters, especially in the areas of:
⦁ Energy laws (project finance)
⦁ Company incorporation (including branch offices and liaison offices)
⦁ Intellectual Property (trademarks, copyright, patents)
⦁ Private international laws (e.g. in relation to inheritance, family law, and property disputes)
JA Legal Vision
Is to be truly international
We envision any client, national to any country, to be able to access legal services pertinent to Pakistan, especially over-seas Pakistanis who may be more likely to face issues related to Pakistan laws.
Is to be well-connected
We envision that in the rare case where we are unable to provide advice to our client, we are able to refer you to that one particular professional who can address your issue.
Is to be on-point
We envision that with our track record and a team of impeccable professionals, we can advise our clients with speedy precision in such a way that they would be able to make the best business or personal decisions that are truly tailored along with their legal query.
Is to be cost-competitive
We envision that in our line of work, certain altruism is only just. Despite the premium legal service that we are providing you, we charge a reasonable price, and also provide flexible payment plans for your convenience.
Is better as a prevention rather than a cure
We envision that legal services are not sought only when you are already in deep waters. Using legal services as a shield rather than a sword is one of its strongest features, and so we wish to provide you with effective options that can help you protect rather than be forced to attack.
Why JA Legal?
JA Legal is the concept of Barrister Junaid Ahmed, who firmly believes that legal services should be within reach of all classes of society. The only way for this ideal to come to fruition was to create a law firm that changes the perception of lawyers and of the field of law. There is a common misconception in society that lawyers or legal services are only required when something terribly goes wrong, or are reserved for the very few affluent and elite, or are just utterly unapproachable. JA Legal aims to change this common narrative in the following ways:
- JA Legal is a legal service provider that holds fast to the idea of demystifying and simplifying legal red tape for our clients.
We believe in approachability and clarity, and so we say it how it is. We don’t waste time with our clients while speaking in verbose legal jargon. We are direct about what you should expect from us and what you should reasonably expect as a legal remedy for your case. Then we leave it up to you if you wish to hire our services. We like to be transparent. - We find that often lawyers and legal firms don’t provide great customer service. We want to change this impression about lawyers, and so we pride ourselves in our direct and frequent correspondence with you. We allow multiple queries throughout your proceeding/service and keep you in the loop about what is happening in your legal matter. We try to build a strong rapport with you so that you feel comfortable approaching us. We literally are a phone call away.
- We want the best result for you. In straightforward cases and legal queries, any law firm or lawyer can help you achieve a solution. We can too. But in cases that are unprecedented, tricky, novel, and simply complicated, we truly specialize. We believe fact-finding is the most crucial step to giving you the best possible advice and service, and so we take extra time to learn more about your business/problem. We work from unique angles to get to the heart of your facts. Only once your legal matter becomes our matter, we can truly proceed with the legal aspect of our service.
- JA Legal is a one-stop hub to your most pressing legal queries. Be it a massive corporate matter, a billion-dollar tax problem, or a sensitive criminal one, you can find your solution with us. With retainer-options, we can be a part of your legal panel and offer you timely advice on a day-to-day basis as well. This way, you don’t have to be drowning when you are contacting a lawyer. Lastly, if push comes to shove, we confidently and aggressively represent you in all the courts of Pakistan, including in ombudsmen and tribunals.
- The best part about JA Legal is our cost-competitive and flexible payment options. Based on the legal problem, we can come up with fiscal arrangements that require you to pay the full fee upfront; b. require you to pay the full fee in installments at certain milestones (e.g. when we file the suit, on each hearing, etc.); or, c. set a contingent-fee-plan structure, which may include a certain part of the legal fee to be contingent on obtaining relief.
- We also take pride in our Fast-track Legal services that provide you with relief that is fast and reliable.